F 24-3
Form for Report on Names of Member and Scope of Performance of
the Audit Committee
The board of directors meeting of Pico (Thailand) Public Company Limited
No.5/2005 held on 17 November 2005 passed a resolution on appointing
Mrs.Sasitorn Phongsathorn as a member of the Audit Committee (in replacing
Assistant Professor Teerayout Wattanasupachoke,PhD) effective on
17 November 2005)
1.Names of members of the Audit Committee are as follows;
Name Position Current Term Ending On
Dr. Chaiyod Bunyagidj Chairman 19 August 2006
Mr. Sern Vithespongse Member 19 August 2006
Mrs. Sasitorn Phongsathorn Member 19 August 2006
Certificates and resumes of the newly appointed member of the Audit Committee
are attached hereto.
2.The Audit Committee of the Company has the scope of duties and
responsibilities, and shall report to the board of directors on;
1.To review Company's financial statement for its accuracy and adequacy.
And to cooperate with auditor and executives to prepare the financial
reports both quarterly and yearly.
2.To ensure that the Company has efficient and proper internal supervisory
system and internal auditing system.
3.To ensure the Company's compliance with laws on Securities and Exchange,
the Stock Exchange of Thailand's terms and requirements and other laws
relating to the Company's business.
4.To consider, select, and propose the appointing of the auditor and to
recommend the auditor's fee to the Board of Directors to be approved in
the Shareholders'meeting.
5.To consider disclosing Company's information in case there is any related
transaction with possible conflicts of interest to enhance accuracy,
transparency and adequacy.
6.To prepare the Audit Committee's supervisory report which will published
in Company's annual report and must be signed by the Chairman of the
Audit Committee.
7.To perform other works as assigned by the Board of Directors upon the
Audit Committee's approval.
The Company hereby certifies that the aforementioned members meet all the
qualifications prescribed by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.
Signed (signature) Director
(Mr. Pised Chungyampain)
Company's seal
Signed (signature) Director
(Ms. Nitida Thamasoomtra)